Saturday, July 30, 2011

Exploration of Chamah Highlands

I had the opportunity to join the Exploration of Chamah Highlands organised by Jabatan Perhutanan Kelantan (Kelantan Forestry Department) and Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. The exploration was held on July 24-29, 2011. We all camped at a site with an evelation of 720 m from sea level. I really enjoyed the cool weather at this altitude. I was at Chamah Highlands for Odonata survey.

a banner showing a welcome message to participants of Chamah Highlands Exploration

an un-named waterfall near the camp site

one of the peaks of the Chamah Higlands

One of the things that attracted my attention is a plane wreckage at the Chamah Highlands at an evelation of 820 m from sea level. The plane named Royal Dakota was on its way to this remote forest to delivery supplies to the Orang Asli living in this area in 1950. The Royal Dakota carried 12 persons including the pilot - 11 Britons and one Malay. Unfortunately, it clashed due to its engine failure. The Orang Asli burried eight bodies near to the plane wreckage, and the other four persons were still missing. The plane wreckage was only rediscovered in 2008 by army.... the plane wreckage and the burial ground had been sleeping for almost 60 years deep in the forest before being rediscovered by people from outside.

the plane wreckage in the Chamah Highlands

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Short Report

I was in Lao PDR early of this year to attend the IUCN assessment workshop on freshwater biodiversity of Indo-Burma region. I wrote a short report of the workshop for Agrion. You may read the report here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Odonata Checklist for Sg Durian, Lintang, Perak - III

I visited Sg Durian, Lintang, Perak for the third time a few days ago to survey the odonate diversity. I managed to add six more species to the previous checklist. The added six species are Vestalis amethystina, Cratilla lineata, Cratilla metallica, Tetrathemis irregularis, Tetrathemis platyptera and Burmagomphus williamsoni. Now the total number of odonate species recorded from Sg Durian is 36.

Odonata Checklist for Sg Durian, Lintang, Perak

Family Calopterygidae
Neurobasis chinensis
Vestalis amethystina
Vestalis amoena

Family Chlorocyphidae
Heliocypha perforata
Heliocypha biforata
Libellago lineata

Family Euphaeidae
Dysphaea dimidiata
Euphaea impar
Euphaea ochracea

Family Megapodagrionidae
Rhinagrion mima

Family Coenagrionidae
Agriocnemis femina
Argiocnemis rubescens
Onychargia atrocyana
Mortonagrion aborense
Pseudagrion pruinosum

Family Platycnemididae
Copera ciliata
Copera marginipes

Family Protoneuridae
Prodasineura humeralis
Prodasineura collaris

Family Gomphidae
Burmagomphus williamsoni
Ictinogomphus decoratus
Paragomphus capricornis

Family Libellulidae
Aethriamanta gracilis
Brachydiplax chalybea
Cratilla lineata
Cratilla metallica
Neurothemis fluctuans
Onychothemis culminicola
Orthetrum chrysis
Orthetrum luzonicum
Orthetrum testaceum
Tetrathemis irregularis
Tetrathemis platyptera
Trithemis aurora
Trithemis festiva
Zygonyx iris

Below are some of the Odonata photos taken at Sg Durian.

Onychothemis culminicola

Mortonagrion aborense (immatured female)

Heliocypha perforata

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pantala flavescens

Pantala flavescens might be considered the most wide spread Odonata species in the world.

Famel Pantala flavescens