Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lestidae - Lestes praemorsus

Lestidae - Lestes praemorsus decipiens Kirby, 1893

I witnessed a massive mating and egg laying of Lestes praemorsus at a pond in the UKM Bangi campus. I was really fanscinated by the number of individuals...... almost every individual was in tandem pair. Just look at the first photo, nine tandem pairs were captured in a single shot, and I can assure you that they were many more tandem pairs or wheel pairs just outside the frame of the shot! During the egg laying, the male will grip on the neck of the female, and the female will insert (oviposite) her eggs into the plant tissues.

massive egg laying in an exposed pond

a tandem pair

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Gomphidae - Burmagomphus insularis

Gomphidae - Burmagomphus insularis Laidlaw, 1914

Burmagomphus insularis is a small species (hw 21.5 mm) of Gomphidae, and it was recorded for the first time for Peninsular malaysia in 2006*. It was recorded at Kuala Koh, Taman Negara in Kelantan. B. insularis is also found in Borneo. Its habitat is primery forest with prestine forest streams/rivers. It likes to perch on sandy bank of the flowing clear forest river under the sun.

anal appendages - dorsal view

anal appendages - lateral view

*Choong, C.Y. 2006. Burmagomphus insularis: A new Odonata record for Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian Naturalist 59(4): 7-9.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Chlorocyphidae - Libellago semiopaca

Chlorocyphidae - Libellago semiopaca (Selys, 1873)

Libellago semiopaca is a widespread species in Sundaland. This species can be found in Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo. It is normally found from muddy rivers to clear swift streams. The males always involve in combat. I took some good shots of L. semiopaca during my visit to Lanjak-Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary (LEWS), Sarawak lately. The photos showing below are those taken from LEWS.

A male individual pearching on a fallen log at clear swift Katibas river.

Two males are involved in territorial fighting.