Monday, May 24, 2010

Sg Durian, Lintang, Perak

I was back to my home town in Perak to see my folk over the weekend. Of course, I did not forget to spend a day searching for odonates somewhere near my home town. I went to Sg Durian in Lintang, Perak to observe and take pictures of odonates. For four hours of hanging around Sg Durian, I spotted 24 species of odonates. Sg Durian is located 3 km away from Lintang small town. The water of the river is clear and the river flows through oil palm and rubber plantations.

Odonata Checklist for Sg Durian, Lintang, Perak

Family Calopterygidae
Vestalis amoena

Family Chlorocyphidae
Heliocypha perforata
Heliocypha biforata
Libellago lineata

Family Euphaeidae
Euphaea impar
Euphaea ochracea

Family Megapodagrionidae
Rhinagrion mima

Family Coenagrionidae
Agriocnemis femina
Mortonagrion aborense
Pseudagrion pruinosum

Family Platycnemididae
Copera ciliata
Copera marginipes

Family Protoneuridae
Prodasineura humeralis
Prodasineura collaris

Family Gomphidae
Ictinogomphus decoratus
Paragomphus capricornis

Family Libellulidae
Aethriamanta gracilis
Neurothemis fluctuans
Onychothemis culminicola
Orthetrum chrysis
Orthetrum testaceum
Trithemis aurora
Trithemis festiva
Zygonyx iris